3 Feb

There is a new diet secret out there that I am about to reveal.  What if I told you that you could do no exercise, eat what you want and look exactly the way you want to?  SIGN ME UP RIGHT!!!  Well, the secret is…There is no secret!  To live a HEALTHY lifestyle you have to EAT balanced, EXERCISE regularly and challenge yourself consistently.  I know I know…Big let down.  But the reality is we are all looking for change and want the fastest, least path of resistance to get there.  Weight loss and keeping it off is a constant battle that requires your full attention.  For most of us we have to really be aware of what is going in our mouth and how much we are moving.  If you are truly trying to make a change you MUST MUST MUST continue to push yourself, understand your body and be an active participant in your journey.  THE MAGIC PILL IS INSIDE YOU!  We have the ability to do anything we wish to do as long as you are willing to be honest with yourself and put in the time and effort.  If you are breathing you have the ability.  No more excuses.  TODAY IS YOUR DAY!  Make it the best you can.  Give today your everything and let it launch you to tomorrow!  If you aren’t on a weight loss program and wish to lose weight WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!  Weight Watchers works great!  The Bodybugg is awesome!  Combine the two with your fire and desire and you have your magic pill!!!  Don’t wait for the perfect time.  GET IN THE GAME!

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