Weight Loss Struggles

13 Jul

Are you one of the many like myself struggling to lose weight?  I have been having a tough time juggling the work-life-weight loss relationship.  I’ve found that luckily I haven’t gained weight but because I haven’t had the consistency it takes to really change your life I have been stagnant.  I’m sure many of you are in the same boat.  Join me and take a moment to reflect on what you have BEEN doing and then look at what you KNOW you need to do to make the change in your life that you want.  No one said it would be easy and I know first hand it isn’t.  You are trying and working at it and as long as you continue that in time things will fall into place.  If you quit you will never have the opportunity to prove to yourself that you can do it.  GET MAD, GET SAD then GET OVER IT!  The scale is the scale.  Find your balance, know your goal and keep fighting / moving towards it.  STAY IN THE GAME!

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