Weight Loss Struggles

13 Jul

Are you one of the many like myself struggling to lose weight?  I have been having a tough time juggling the work-life-weight loss relationship.  I’ve found that luckily I haven’t gained weight but because I haven’t had the consistency it takes to really change your life I have been stagnant.  I’m sure many of you are in the same boat.  Join me and take a moment to reflect on what you have BEEN doing and then look at what you KNOW you need to do to make the change in your life that you want.  No one said it would be easy and I know first hand it isn’t.  You are trying and working at it and as long as you continue that in time things will fall into place.  If you quit you will never have the opportunity to prove to yourself that you can do it.  GET MAD, GET SAD then GET OVER IT!  The scale is the scale.  Find your balance, know your goal and keep fighting / moving towards it.  STAY IN THE GAME!


4 May

If you all are anything like me you’ve seen your weight fluctuate up and down over the years.  I know that I’ve seen the high peak of the roller coaster and the low but I seem to live the bulk of my life somewhere right in the middle.  When I’m focused I lose weight because I’m staying on top of my nutrition and committing to my exercise plan.  When I’m in a “Comfort Zone” I slowly begin to stack on the fat.  My old habits creep back in like a stray dog and I just accept them into my life.  The usual result (Which is where I am right now) is you begin to get angry and irritated with yourself.  The reality is you knew (I knew) what I was doing before I got to today but I ignored it.  I know that my focus was to build muscle on my eight week plan but I really abused the increased calorie intake.  Had I eatin smarter would I have gained all of this extra fat with my muscle gains?  PROBABLY NOT!  But I did, and this is where I am today.  Can’t change the past but what I can change is my future and that is exactly my plan as I stated yesterday.

I want you to do the same.  I know its hard, I know it’s a challenge but if it wasn’t you wouldn’t be reading this.  Buckle down, accept that you want to shed fat and get healthy and let’s get moving!  Nutrition is the key to your success.  If you truly want to change you it starts with your food intake then it goes to exercise.  If you put the two together it is a recipe to success.  4 days to the rest of your life.  GET IN THE GAME!

P90X TIME!!!

3 May

Hey all.  I know I’ve been MIA for a while but I’m back.  I’ll spend a few words on catching you all up and then let you know my next plan and timeline.

 In early March I started to have a foot issue spark up.  I think it was a minor case of plantar (My own diagnosis) but it held me up from really accomplishing my goal of increasing my cardio and running.  I instead shifted gears and put together an 8 week plan to build muscle and get stronger.  I increased my food intake, worked out Mon/Wed/Fri (Two body parts each day.)  My focus was going as heavy AS I COULD.  I am by no means the strongest and I’m ok with that but I went as heavy as I could.  Overall, I think I look bigger and feel much stronger.  I will admit I abused the increased calories towards the end and gained more weight than I wanted BUT I ACCEPT THAT.  It makes me have to work harder to get where I want to be but it was a lesson learned.  I OWN IT!  Now on to where I’m heading!!!!

P90X here I come.  I have the disks, I have the push up bars and all of the documentation I need.  I’m going to work on my menu this week to get everything in place so I can hit the ground running on Monday.  No excuses!!!  I’m excited for my next challenge!  If you have done P90X or know someone that has let me know.  If you want to start with me let’s get it going!!!  I know from everything I’ve read and seen that I am going to get my butt kicked!  I’m ready (At least I think I am.)  🙂 

Even if it isn’t P90X do something to make a change.  YOU know you want to make a change SO DO IT!  STOP WAITING!!!  Don’t make this Monday like every other MONDAY.  Take the time right now, think about what you want to accomplish and build a plan to start this Monday.  You have a week to prepare.  IT IS ON YOU!  I’m here for you though.  I’ve been through it all if you need my help.  WANT IT, SEE IT, BE IT!  GET IN THE GAME!

12 Week Exercise Routine

10 Feb

As promised (Just a day late) I’ve listed below my workout routine for the next 8 weeks (I’ve been slowly increasing over the past 4 weeks.)  If you look back to my previous posts you’ll see what my overall goal (Short term) is.  Nothing crazy but very effective (And sustainable.)  As I get back into it I will increase the elliptical time from 30 minutes to 45 but that will be closer to the 8 week mark.  Then I have a 6 week routine with two a days for cutting fat that I will post.  GET IN THE GAME!

Sunday – Bike Ride

Monday – AM = Elliptical – PM = Upper Body Weight Lifting

Tuesday – 3 mile run

Wednesday – Elliptical

Thursday – 3 mile run

Friday – AM = Elliptical – PM = Upper Body Weight Lifting

Saturday  = 5 mile run

And with football season over I will drastically be reducing my beer intake so my expectations are high!  Started with no beer bowling last night!!


8 Feb

Ok.  What a great Superbowl!!!   Congratulations to the Packers and all of their fans!!!  Football season is officially over and it is time to put down the beer and pick up the dumbbells!    We now have 7 months until the season starts again so it is time to get moving, get rid of the nachos and beer gut and get healthy!  Summer will be here before we know it and I know that you want to look and feel your best before you have to put on that tank top and those shorts.  I know that I have indulged in the adult beverage throughout the playoffs and if you are a junky like me the last 20 or so Sunday’s have been dedicated to the couch and T.V.  For the past month I’ve worked to get back into an exercise routine and get into it consistently.  My weight lifting has been fairly consistent and the last couple of weeks my running has been hit and miss.  I haven’t honestly hit the elliptical as planned but now with Football in the rear view I’m ready to roll.  I’ll be posting my workout routine tomorrow and will be updating my status weekly (On Sunday’s.)  I’m committed to trying to get a minimum of 4 posts a week and hope that you share this with your friends and family.  NOW IS THE TIME!  Your Sunday’s freed up, no more Monday Night Football, no more excuses.  (I”m speaking to myself as well as you!)  🙂  I’m challenging you to 12 weeks of changing your life!  One week at a time, one day at a time.  Let’s make a change for the positive.  Lets do it!  Finish this sentence.  “On May 1st 2011 I will be _____________.  My goal is as follows.  “On May 1st 2011 I will weigh 165 lbs and run a 7 minute mile!”  GET IN THE GAME!!!


3 Feb

There is a new diet secret out there that I am about to reveal.  What if I told you that you could do no exercise, eat what you want and look exactly the way you want to?  SIGN ME UP RIGHT!!!  Well, the secret is…There is no secret!  To live a HEALTHY lifestyle you have to EAT balanced, EXERCISE regularly and challenge yourself consistently.  I know I know…Big let down.  But the reality is we are all looking for change and want the fastest, least path of resistance to get there.  Weight loss and keeping it off is a constant battle that requires your full attention.  For most of us we have to really be aware of what is going in our mouth and how much we are moving.  If you are truly trying to make a change you MUST MUST MUST continue to push yourself, understand your body and be an active participant in your journey.  THE MAGIC PILL IS INSIDE YOU!  We have the ability to do anything we wish to do as long as you are willing to be honest with yourself and put in the time and effort.  If you are breathing you have the ability.  No more excuses.  TODAY IS YOUR DAY!  Make it the best you can.  Give today your everything and let it launch you to tomorrow!  If you aren’t on a weight loss program and wish to lose weight WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!  Weight Watchers works great!  The Bodybugg is awesome!  Combine the two with your fire and desire and you have your magic pill!!!  Don’t wait for the perfect time.  GET IN THE GAME!


2 Feb

For those of you that started the year with a resolution to get healthy, lose weight and fit I hope that you are still going at it hard!  This is the time where the newness wears off and usually we start to fall off of the fitness wagon.  STOP THE MADNESS!!  You have worked your butt off and are proud of your accomplishments.  Don’t fall into the Resolution Trap.  The resolution got you going and now it is time for you to kick it into another gear!  To those that have stuck to your guns you MUST remember what your resolution means to you.  Why did you start in the first place.  You’ve worked for a month to build momentum to be a new and improved you.  Take a moment, sit back and reflect on what got you started and remind yourself of that every time you fill like quitting.  Remember, it is easier to quit than to fight through the moment of weakness!  If you focus on the REASON you wanted to change you will not quit.  This is the time that excuses start to set in as they have so many times in the past.  Your stronger than the old you!  Your more motivated!  Your tired of repeating the same lifestyle year over year.  If you have slowed down because you weren’t seeing the change you expected, remember this.  YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT!!!  It took a long time to put on the pounds and it will take time to come off.  Consistency, focus and commitment will always get you results!  Now is the time to stay the course, believe in yourself and keep moving!!!  STAY IN THE GAME!

Shake weight!

27 Jan

It’s time to SHAKE WEIGHT!  No, not the dumbbell that you see on the infomercial (Although I do have one) but the excess baggage that is taking you down.  It’s time to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself and then let that out.  To often in life we find ourselves so caught up in drama that it takes over and we slowly lose sight of who we are and what we are all about as individuals.  Once that happens you become a part of the drama and before you know it you are dragging others in with you (And you didn’t want to be there in the first place.)  It is time to shake the negative and if you truly can’t control the outcome…leave it alone.  It’s not in your boat.  Easy to say…Hard to do I know!  But if you don’t, you will find yourself in a mess that has nothing to do with you.  From there it is very easy (If you are like me) to turn to food as comfort which in turn will derail you from your goals and lead you down a path you’ve been before.  FORGET THAT MESS!  Stand up, stand tall and SHAKE THAT WEIGHT!  STAY IN THE GAME!


26 Jan

How do you define success?  Money, career, health, love (All of the above!!!)  You need to understand what defines YOUR success and implement plans to get you there.  Money alone does not define success.  If you aren’t happy on the inside you can’t truly enjoy the wealth that you have.  I see plenty of people who are truly satisfied with their current situation and for them that is awesome!!!!  They have found and defined THEIR success.  For the rest of us, we are still searching for one component or more to really feel successful and satisfied.  I know from personal experience that if you allow yourself to get bogged down with negativity it gets really easy to lose sight of who you are and what your definition of success is.  Sometimes we think it’s easier to quit than to fight and a lot of people do that.  They settle on where they are now because for one reason or another they aren’t willing to look through the current situation to see where they want to be.  Open your eyes, know where you want to go and move!  I choose to fight until I my last breath!  I have a vision, I have a goal and I have a dream of my definition of success.  DO YOU?  GET IN THE GAME!

Set backs and moving on!

25 Jan

Hello all.  I have been out of sorts for a little while and was fighting through a few things.  I have dealt with the hardest part of it and now will let the rest play out.  To be totally honest (Which I always am) I was a little short on words the past few months because I couldn’t get out of my own way.  Confusion, anger, depressed, sad, you name it.  I guess in a word…LOST!!!  I’m not saying all is great BUT I am saying I’m moving on.  I have never been one to let others stop me from what I want but in this scenario it was me.  ALL ME.  I fought with it, stopped making excuses and finally broke through and now will work hard to improve and become a better person than I was before.  I AM BACK IN THE GAME and you can be sure that you will be hearing from me daily.  I hope your holidays were great and that you are working to achieve your goals!!!!  A set back is temporary unless you get stuck dwelling on it and never look for a solution.  As hard as it is to accept, LIFE IS STILL MOVING FORWARD EVEN THOUGH WE FEEL STUCK IN THE MOMENT!